Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Digital divide refers to the growing gap between those who cannot necessarily afford or have access to computers or the internet and those who do have access to these types of technology.  Although the number of people in the U.S. who have access to computers and the internet grows at a rapid pace each year, the digital divide grows at a rapid pace as well. Those with higher incomes and have access to these technological advancements are superseding those who do not have access. A way to look at this would be comparing and older person or one who lives in a tribe in the woods to someone who works with computers everyday or a 15 year old boy. This 15 year old boy will know so much about technology and the computer that it will be all he knows. His knowledge will grow more and more everyday and as this happens, this elder person or tribe will be at the same place as before, knowing nothing about these technological advancements. Another example would be the growing gap between the rich and the poor. The rich will continue to get more and more rich while the poor person will stay at the same level, never gaining more. These are problems that need to be addressed and solved in order for equality among products and services to mean something.

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